Latest Music Work

matteosoo · 【好不容易 Finally】告五人 Accusefive - Cover
  • Mixing in Logic Pro
  • Released on May 4th, 2022
  • Youtube LINK🔗 👈
  • About

    I'm Matteo, a music lover and fond of R&B and classical music genres. Having been researching on music technology covers a range of activities, from music information retrieval (MIR) to singing voice synthesis.

    ORCID: ORCID iD icon0000-0003-0990-0198


    • E.sun Financial Holding Co., Ltd. - Machine Learning Engineer
      - July 2021 - Present
    • Walsin Lihwa Corp. - Software Engineer (Internship)
      - Apr. 2018 - July 2018


    • National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu City, Taiwan
      - M.S. in Computer Science
    • Soochow University, Taipei City, Taiwan
      - B.A. in Computer Science and Information Management


    • Python, C++, Java
    • Pytorch, TensorFlow
    • Git, LaTeX, Markdown
    • 🔉 TTS*, 🦒 LLM*
    • 🔉 TTS*: Text-To-Speech
    • 🦒 LLM*: Large Language Model


    Text to Speech system (TTS)

    • Features
      Built an in-house TTS service with an impressive real-time factor of 0.3, and organized a self-timbre voice dataset (near 20 hours) to train TTS systems.
      Developed a prosodic TTS model based on the VITS architecture (v2), which is able to solve the problem of context switching.
      These achievements were improving customer experience on the telephony interactive voice response (IVR) system.
    • Tools
      Tacotron, VITS, prosodic TTS, context switching

    Singing Voice Synthesis with Vocal Harmony

    • Honor
      CTCI Foundation - AI Innovative Competition 2019, 3nd place of AI & Arts
    • Brief
      A two-part harmony singing synthesis system which takes one main melody for input.
    • Tools
      WORLD vocoder, time alignment, counterpoint thesis, librosa library, musicXML
    • [Poster | Site]

    Lawyer Recommendation System

    • Contest
      Legal Technology Hackathon 2019
    • Brief
      Build up a lawyer recommendation system which is according to the court cases database from 2008-2018 in Taiwan (approximately 9 million cases).
    • Tools
      Tableau (data visualization), Python with pandas (data mining and analysis), design an algorithm
    • [Demo | Site]

    AI Cloze test system

    • Contest
      Tied with the three for RANK 1 in NTHU AI introduction course on platform of Kaggle competition. (2018)
    • Brief
      We built up an AI Cloze test system which used the Google Bert model with 80% accuracy.
    • Tools
      Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers (Bert), gensim word2vec
    • [Code]

    StrikeZone (球神問捕) - virtual strike zone with AR technology

    • Honor
      International ICT Innovative Service Awards 2017 2nd place of information technology
    • Tools
      1. Unity: for building up a 3D scene model
      2. Vuforia: the powerful AR toolkit on Unity3D
      3. Firebase: a cloud database for storing user data
      4. Adobe Photoshop: a photo editing tool
    • [Demo | Site]
